Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Caramel or jam Stream Pudding.

Caramel Stream Pudding.
8 oz sugar
8 oz golden syrup
1 can evap milk
sorry recipe in ounces from an old English cook book should be for caramels but by putting a tin of evap makes it into a sauce. for caramel toffee only 1/4 pint of evap.
put all ingredients into pan and heat gently until sugar is dissolved while stirring. bring to the boil. (for toffee continue to boil until caramel forms a ball when a tested in cold water.) for sauce once blended leave to cool. (this can be refrigerated for use later.)
sponge part.
6oz (175grams) SR flour
3 oz (75g) mixed fat (marg and white cooking fat) I just used marg.
3 oz (75g) sugar
1 large egg
few drops of vanilla
3-4 tablespoons of milk to mix.
salt (pinch)
sift flour and salt in bowl.
blend the fats then rub into dry mix. stir in sugar. lightly mix the egg and vanilla and stir into ingredients. add enough milk to make medium soft consistency.
grease pudding bowl.
spoon caramel into base, spoon mix on top.
place a piece of foil over bowl. then use a larger piece of fiol form 2 pleats in foil place over bowl secure with string.
use a pudding cloth wrap bowl in it so the cloth forms a top twist and hold in place with rubber band. place in large inner pot on a trivet. pour in water to come 3/4 of the way up the bowl.
boil then leave to simmer about 15-20 mins. check on water level top up if needed but simmer a bit more if top up. place in Dream pot. close lid. as normal forget about it. till later.
I made it about 5pm and left it until the morning it was lovely.
this recipe was meant to be with jam but I fancied caramel so I played around with recipes and I am happy with this one.
for a jam steam pud.
Jam sauce.
2-3 heaped tablespoons jam.
2 level teaspoons of cornflour
1/3 pint (1 teacup) water
juice of 1/2 a lemon.
place jam into pan add cornflour blended with the water and lemon juice and stir over heat until the sauce is boiling and thickened.
in base of pudding bowl place jam. (not from sauce mix)
then the sponge mix as above.
once cooked un mould the pudding and serve hot with the sauce.
sorry no pics I ate it all before I had chance to photo..LOL....hmmm yum.